Cordator will be at BioEurope Spring in Vienna on March 25-27. While we have a very busy schedule, we’d love to touch base. Please contact us and we’ll do our best to find a time.
Cordator will be in Copenhagen for BioEurope on November 5-7. Please contact us for a meeting!
10 Mar 2018. Interview with Lars Öhman and Erik Lund (in Swedish) published in Kampen mot cancer (the fight against cancer);
We are delighted to announce the formation of Cordator Life Science AB, an independent advisory and business development boutique outfit within biotech and pharmaceuticals. Building on the experience of its founders and their extensive network, Cordator offers a full menu of life science advisory and transactional activities ranging from individual search & evaluation and market assessments projects through managing the entire business development strategy and execution, up to the point of deal signature.